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Intensive Training Activity: 
Specific Business Applications of the G77 Chamber TIN/WCN

The following activity is one way a Trainer or Chamber may help members develop specific action steps for using the G77 TIN / WCN for their own businesses.

Step 1:  Participants divide into three groups. 

Group 1 is responsible for suggesting specific, concrete ways that the G77 TIN / WCN and the Internet can work for their own businesses in the following areas:

  • Product Promotion

  • New Sales Channels

  • Direct Savings

  • Time to Market

  • Customer Service

  • Brand or Organizational Image

Group 2 is responsible for describing how e-Commerce and the G77 TIN / WCN might lead to the following conditions that can directly benefit customers (both individual retail customers and/or other businesses):

  • Lower product prices

  • Increased vendor competition

  • Increased buyer productivity

  • Reduced acquisition time and cost (for supplies, resources, etc.)

  • Better information for managers

  • Better inventory control

Group 3 is responsible for how key business structures within their companies and industries will be transformed as a result of engaging in e-Commerce.  These structures include:

  • New Product Capabilities and Customization

  • New Business and Organizational Models

  • New Relationships with both Customers and Partners

Step 2:  Each group brainstorms how each of these factors will affect their own businesses.  How can they best use the G77 TIN / WCN and the Internet to take advantage of the changes that e-Commerce will bring to the global business environment?

During group meetings, the Trainer circulates among the 3 groups to stimulate discussion and respond to questions.  At least one person serves as recorder for each group, noting down all the ideas generated by the group.

Step 3:   Each group reports in on at least 5 ways that e-Commerce will benefit their members' businesses.  Each group should try to be as specific as possible.  The entire group discusses the various suggestions.

A key task for the Trainer is to question participants so they describe as specifically as possible the ways they might use the G77 TIN / WCN to enhance their businesses.  The Trainer also completes the Activity by articulating an overview of the anticipated impact of e-Commerce and the G77 TIN / WCN on business.

Time:  2 hours

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